Well as I was not present at Wednesday's rehearsal due to a jolly jaunt down to the capital, I can't tell you anything about the rehearsal other than (by the tone of an email from Ol) we still have work to do on the Carver!
Therefore I will tell you an exciting story from my trip (Chris, hallowed editor, has warned me not to put up rubbish about the life of Dr C [Chris says: not too much, anyway] but I will break that promise just once today). Getting on a train at King's Cross and a tall man walked past me with dark glasses. Now it is a fact universally acknowledged that a tall man in dark glasses must be a celeb of some kind or someone pretending to be a celeb a la me outside Tiffany's jewelers in NY this year. Shock horror but it was only the wonderful Julian Barratt aka Howard Moon of Mighty Boosh fame. Now, as Rach and Natalie will know (after a long rambling conversation), I am a bit of a fan. Cue very excited sharp intake of breath - but he got on the first class coach while I dragged myself down to busy coach E.
And I thought that was the end of it. However, I could not listen to John Wetton's greatest hits in peace knowing that comedy legend was on the train heading to York for a show. So, I made my way to dining coach (after finding £1.45 for a cuppa), smiled nicely at Geordie coffee man... and to cut a long story short, I ended up being dragged through first class by three excited National Express workers (who BTW had no idea who he was) so I could be introduced. Much embarrassment from yours truly! However, Mr Barratt was lovely and very sweet, considering I had just interrupted his quiet prep time. He signed his (very groovy) autograph (see here for the scary photo) and was so nice that he went up in my estimation.

One thing I did notice: he really does have very small eyes (one for the Boosh fans there). Anyways, this is turning into a rambling blog about me. Promise we will be back to normal service next week.
Enjoy the week
ps specially for Claire, here's some antique Barratt: