Wednesday 19 November 2008

Gaelic, German and...growly...well...basses

Evening and kindest felicitations (see I got it in the right place this time) to all. Well, another Wednesday night and another blog post from me. Just come back from a night of Christmas music so am feeling a little like Dad after Christmas lunch- full of festive cheer and slightly sleepy. However...

We began this evening with a jolly warmup from Maestro Boy which included something to do with a rubber chicken (the link was a little complex) that nearly meant that Kay was welcomed by a smack across the face by a flailing bass arm. We also did that African round again though Jen thought it sounded quite Hawaiian - queue grass skirts and fruit on head... it doesn't take much to get us going.

Exciting news of the night is that Rudsambee are once again tentatively venturing from their a cappella roots and this Christmas will be performing with brass instruments. I hasten to add that we will not be putting our own lips to aforementioned trumpets and (I hope) trombones. No, we aren't getting the Sally Army in, we have found some brass players to help us out. I am hoping for a euphonium- the only musical instrument that could also be a permanent dwelling for a small person. However, more exciting still (can you stand it fans) our own Mrs Anne Grindley will be playing the clarsach. Hoorah! She is accompanying us during the Gaelic song Táladh Chriosda (sp?). We did consider having a verse of just voices before Anne came back in on the strings but decided (actually witty Robin decided) that Anne might go sharp during our solo verse. Ha, sharp indeed!

Well, there's the Gaelic of the title. The German was provided by Süßer die Glocken nie klingen for which Sebastian provided the Deutsch . Queue much laughter from Jen - German is apparently quite a funny language. The translation of this piece was also fairly entertaining, concluding with bells that clobber (Anne's word) the Vater, Mutter and Kind on the head. Or at least that it what we think it means.

As an aside, classic comment of the night was from Natalie and Anne.

Natalie: "I've got an f there. Should it be fortissimo?"
Anne: "Well I've got a p"
Natalie: "Oh, what should it be?"
Anne: "A p I think... although that might just be for me. Perhaps everyone else should be f"

For anyone who knows how Anne so adeptly leads us at times, this conversation should cause a wee smile!

Anyways, we carried on with our Christmas music, spending quite a lot of time on the new Lauridsen, which sounds like the old Lauridsen... not, I hasten to add, that that is a problem. We managed 'Bog Off' through without music and, though we are still slowing down, it is perhaps a little quicker than we had done it previously. We also enjoyed Run, Toboggan, Run and I tell you what, the ending is something special, though it does require a little 'jazz hands'.

During this evening's jollifications, I noticed that the basses can sing very low. I realise that this isn't a revelation that will change the world or anything but to hear our wonderful bass trio (generally quartet) hit those bottom notes is a sight... no, a listen to behold. The ground rocked... I am seriously concerned about the foundations of chez Wexler.

I'm off for a snooze ladies and gents before organising Scottish politics at work tomorrow. I hasten to add (and you'll be glad to know this) I am not actually making policy. But photocopying takes a bright mind don't you know. Get well soon to A-L who wasn't feeling too well tonight and heads up to Rach, Jake and Bel... just cause I like giving them a mention every once in a while.

Funniest email of the week goes once again to the Beeb who, not content with inviting Rudsambee to that choral comp they did, is now asking us to participate in Battle of the Brains. Sadly due to time restrictions we are unable to take up this kind offer... however it did get me thinking. Robin could take science; Maestro boy, music; Christopher, the skills of tickling; Jen, well, Jen could take a number of subjects couldn't she. The possibilities, as always at the end of a Rudsambee rehearsal are endless.

Stay safe and happy this week folks

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