Thursday 19 March 2009

More Blogstuff by Claire2

Firstly, Blog-friends, I feel I should mention that tomorrow today (March 19th) is the birthday of our Great Leader and should, therefore, be a day off for Rudsambeeites and their faithful followers. Perhaps we should present a petition to this end (or to parliament, whichever is easier). I’m sure Authority would be sympathetic to our cause. Don’t ask me for his exact age as I’m not sure. Let it simply be said that he is very young indeed but wears the cloak of responsibility like the old man he closely resembles. (A joke G.L. if you are reading this, a small jest in honour of your special day!)

I do know the exact age of Jenny’s mother – to the year anyway, if not the day. She is... no, I shan’t say. How rude that would be. Anyway, she is not too old to do 80 sit-ups every morning, which is extremely impressive and led to some discussion about stomachs and bouncing balls but the less said about that, the better.

There were no cows or choir-socks in evidence tonight but a large frog made his (her?) debut as breath-control instructor. Unfortunately for this well-travelled but interestingly reticent amphibian the demonstration involved being squashed under a tray depressed by Sebastian’s large foot (his small one would have nothing to do with such cruelty). Once the pressure was removed, the flattened frog puffed back up and thus illustrated how we should breathe in, in a relaxed, unlaboured fashion. Chris pointed out, somewhat querulously, that he had stood on a frog once (perhaps it had failed to turn into a prince and required punishment) but that it hadn’t bounced back...

We were slightly down on numbers tonight – I presume everyone missing had a good excuse, hmmm? – but worked quite hard all the same, preparing for out Portrait Gallery concert on April 2nd. (Is that the right date? Don’t have my diary to hand. Or my memory, it seems). At one point Ollie had us stamping and clapping and huh-ing and hey-ing, adding and subtracting movements and sounds and thoroughly testing our co-ordination skills. The results were amusing to say the least – from where I was standing, anyway. (The basses: bless them!) I do feel however, and have often suggested, that we should add some dancing to our repertoire. A few of our pieces are crying out for choreography. Really. For one blissful moment tonight I thought Ollie had decided to go for it - but no. No-one ever listens to me.

Claire 1, diva-extraordinaire, (who seems to think that I will just stand in now whenever she has better things to do than blog – or, indeed, attend rehearsal) will return with her ready wit and much better eye-for-detail and ear-for-the-ridiculous next week but thank you, all, for listening/reading. Until my next opportunity, this is your replacement blogetteer signing off and sending love and kisses as luvvie people do xx

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