So – first things first: TWOTY. Douglas and Jean’s wedding last Saturday which was a triumph and a delight and I feel sorry for all of you who missed it; either because you were not invited (tee hee) or because you were otherwise prevented from attending. We had a great time; good ceremony with an outstanding contribution from your favourite choir (that's us, BTW) who were on superlative form (although I have to admit to a mistake or two entirely due to over-confidence and not looking at my music).
The church was sweet with a good acoustic and very full indeed of smartly dressed people (well, mostly. You can’t be involved in banning bombs and making the world a better/greener place without having a hippie or two for a friend!!) Those who did the readings – well-chosen pieces, too; none of that "love is gentle, blah blah, blah yawn" stuff but Romans (which??), a Janet Paisley poem called "These Rings" or something similar (your blogetteer was a minor poet once-upon-a-long-time-ago, btw, and did workshops with aforementioned lady whose work is worth having a peek at if you don’t know it already) and a beautiful Native American People’s poem/prayer which another friend of mine also used at her wedding and with its bidding to "... walk gently through the world and know (?) its beauty..." sends shivers down the spine of yours truly ... by now you will have forgotten the beginning of this sentence, am I turning into Proust???? – those who did the readings did them really, really well. Bravo.
The reception was a lovely relaxed affair with only one-and-a-bit speeches, from our hosts, and then delicious food to give us some energy for dancing. The choir sang a few rousing numbers to get things going, one of which was an arrangement (notorious to some) of "Only You" with Anne on piano, Douglas brilliantly on lead vocals (took us all by surprise, I can tell you – superb) and the rest of us "ba-ba-ba-ba" and "sha-la-la"-ing for all we were worth in the background. (Luckily the consumption of alcohol thus far had been really very moderate so we didn’t drown Douglas out with over-enthusiasm, which was a real potential danger, let me tell you!)
Energetic dancing (Arno nearly died, I think) followed, with a break or two for further performances (well done, mini-Wild Myrtles, lovely).
I left with exactly the same people I arrived with though I can only speak for myself (and by extension Ollie, Helen and Chris) so I don’t know what dodgy arrangements were arrived at by others (see last week’s blog for explanation) – but we stayed to see the cake being cut and then headed home by which time Ollie and I, at least, had had a fair old gallop around the dance floor and worked off most of the food we’d consumed earlier. I spoiled this by stuffing far more than my fair share of wedding cake but – hey – what can a fruitcake/marzipan/icing junkie do?
Now I have to find somewhere to plant my little crab-apple tree. A lovely feature of the day saw seedling trees of various kinds distributed along the tables along with packets of wild-flower seed for guests to take home and plant/scatter in memory and celebration of Jean and Douglas’s day. How thoroughly romantic is that, then? As well as being so very right for people who care about the world as much as they do. Perfect.
Which, on a sartorial note, was how they both looked, by the way.
I have run out of time, I think, so will leave you with that for now with the promise of a report on both our AGM and the unexpected appearance of an old friend to follow when I return from Deutschland...
Tschus (with an umlaut) xx
ps here's some more photos:

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