Sunday 26 February 2012

All About Nothing

We had no rehearsal this week. Several people were sick or tired (or both) so Ollie decided we should all have a week off and meet again next Wednesday with some new music and some new faces. However, I feel I must write a few words at least in order to keep up the blog-count. Once it starts dropping, as we have seen in the past, there is no hope for it and it falls and falls and finds it as hard to get back up again as my voice does from the depths of alto-2-I-don’t-think-so-make-that-tenor-1 parts. And (see previous blogs if necessary), I reiterate, that is HARD.

What can I tell you about instead? I did nothing on Wednesday night although free to do whatever I fancied. Lazy? Unimaginative? Me? Oh, well, go on then, perhaps I am. Of course I may have done something quite exciting and simply forgotten all about it but I think not. Speaking of forgetting all about things, I actually forgot my PIN number the other day; the one I use all the time, the one I know as well as I know my own name. What a numpty. How did that happen? The gaping, four digit space in my brain – well, two digit, slightly less agape, I had remembered the first couple of numbers – was filled again pretty quickly, thank heaven, but oh, it’s a bit scary. I have been thinking very hard about remembering things since then and can report that, so far, all seems as per (i.e. a little raggedy at times but nothing too concerning); however, if, at any point in the near future, you think I am a-slip mentally – if you can tell, that is - please leave a comment on the blog and I will take immediate action (more crosswords and Sudoku or something).

Yesterday I did some gardening. This followed a trundle to-and-from Craiglockhart for a tennis session. Impressive, eh? Yes, but just how badly did I play? Oh, my! Maybe three or four shots to be quite proud of but as for the rest... and, unfortunately, most (OK, all) of the other ladies who attend this session are better players than I am and some of them are a little inclined to tut, albeit sotto voce (if one can tut in such a manner), which doesn’t make me play any more competently I can assure you. I am going to persevere, though, because otherwise I’ll never improve and they will just have to put up with me. Interestingly, the very best players (very good indeed) are less likely to display frustration and are full of encouragement. I suppose their competitiveness is under control due to winning on a regular basis (unless they have me as a partner) while others feel they have something to prove. Anyway, I am much more relaxed with the people I play with on a Tuesday and I still play like a dog half the time... an old dog; old dog/new tricks. Oh dear, does this mean there is no hope for me?

So, the gardening. Only the front garden. This is manageable (unlike the back which I look out on in despair) and I smartened things up quite well. There are lots of snowdrops and the bluebells are coming; things are a-stir and how lovely it was to be out there in the warm sun, working really rather hard. I even got the ladder out to cut away some stuff (note my expertise in nomenclature) from around the window. I filled the brown bin up to the top so had to stop though there is still more to be done. Ivy, for example, is invading from around the more inaccessible side – naturally – so I must get out there and saw it off at the bottom before it can make its way into the sitting room by way of under-the-window. It appears to be making a good job of insinuating itself between the stone, the mortar and the wood of the frame. Not good. Not good at all. Bring me my trusty blade.

I spoiled all this healthy living by going out in the early evening yesterday and not returning until the early morning today, having spent the intervening time with friends who practise drinking much harder and more regularly than I do but with whom I think I kept up fairly well. I had a lovely time but genuinely thought I was going out for an hour or two for a drink or two, not for seven hours and several bottles – you can imagine how I am regretting this behaviour now and vowing not to do it again. Often in my life I have made vows of a similar sort. Often I have broken them. I have no will-power or – let’s face it – common-sense. I am, in short, a fool.

But you know that already.

Now, I have to go into town to collect some rings that have been in the jewellers for surgery. Why is it that the rest of me is very little, if at all, bigger than I was in my youth and yet my fingers seem to have got fatter? This seems mighty unfair. And is definitely rather costly.
Adieu, for the nonce, my dear Reader(s).

Your fond (and fairly efficient), Blogetteer.

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