As promised in the last post Robin and I played a storming rendition of a Steely Dan hit - just like the original (!?) - on Guitar Hero. We may well start a band, we are after all two bohemian ex-academics with artistic sensibilities. And there were a number of interesting turns from the Rudsambeelets. Songs, piano duets, poetry, cello playing and even a joyous number from the Wexlers (just like Sonny and Cher) which made a number of us weep with laughter. I left early just as Guitar Hero was starting up again. My guess is they are still perfecting the Van Halen riffs. I'm very sure that there will be pictures when Chief Editor returns as he had his camera in our face as usual.
Finally two questions which brought us a moment's perplexion (I'm pretty sure that isn't a word, but it should be so I'm adding it to the lexicon) - man that kinda rhymes, like a rap :-) - oh, sorry the questions...why is it that one day you wake up and you can't do a handstand anymore and what would be the best means of transporting the country of Chile - Brazil you can just roll up like a paper hankie but Chile is long and thin. A troubling country to take anywhere else. The latter question was, as expected, initiated by the innate surreal genius of 'Ringo' Robin. Answers to either of these on a postcard please.
Until we meet again
1 comment:
Jenny says:
Just a wee thankyou... well, actually a pretty massive one for such a good birthday and all the goodies what went with it. (Although, OF COURSE, the party wasn't organised intentionally as my birthday bash!)
Apologies to those who weren't there having to read about what a good party it was, but rest assured, you and your party pieces were missed.
Picking the party acts from a Hogwarts sorting hat, we had Alison bravely singing a complete proper solo with controlled breathing and everything, Sebastian doing clever technical things with a microphone (yes you did read that word correctly, and believe me, having a German happy birthday song sung down a mike, in a round, is pretty awesome), Anne playing 900 pages of Rhapsody in Blue which was phenomenal (especially as she added several bars by starting a complicated chromatic scale two octaves below where it should've been and still managing to hit the right notes!), Claire2's poems what she wrote herself and which were hilarious and very clever (one being an ingenious look at growing concerns about age and the other poem a rendition of the Princess and the Pea from the Pea's perspective).
Kay, Ollie, and Anne even braved their reputation and joined me for a duet or two (or three). And as Claire had made me wear a silly hat all night, this turned out to be more like a Les Dawson/Tommy Cooper act - the magic being we got through the pieces and didn't disgrace ourselves by any means, just like that!
And we had a frighteningly atmospherically accurate rendition of row row the boat from Bagpuss (Children's TV programme in my day!), John, nearly falling asleep over his accordion (or was he concentrating very hard?) looking very much like professor Yackel, Toad, and Bagpuss all rolled into one, and Susan taking the role of Madeleine and all of us as the mice singing the choruses. But as the music kept falling off the stand, Susan getting frequent giggles at John trying to keep up with her and every chorus being different, it was incredibly funny. Susan getting the giggles is one of the funniest things to see.
Claire1 and Robin brought a Wii and most of us enjoyed bashing the guitars and drums in the wrong place.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty bog-eyed this morning, er, afternoon. My favourite comment was Sebastian saying I was a fairy (I think because of the hat rather than my graceful, elegant, dainty features!) and Robin saying well, she does sing Tenor sometimes.
Anyway, I just meant to say a very big thankyou to everyone, especially madam hostess. I hope we didn't make too much mess. Jenny xx
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