Monday 9 August 2010

...and the barbecue

Me again, our Blogstress having sent her apologies for having to regrettably miss this major event which happens, in Anne and husband Dick's garden, almost every year. So, I get the scoop! Although I nearly didn't because of the weather. Rainy all morning but dry in the afternoon and just got better so by the late afternoon we were all practically sunbathing.

It was really good that Angus and family could be there. The last Rudsambee party before they go back to Australia (They have to return the kangaroos they smuggled over here, or something...).

Anne's garden, as hinted at in the previous blog, is a haven. Not only for singers with greedy tummies, (yummy raspberries! May as well own up to tasting a couple. Actually it was in an attempt to encourage a suddenly shy boy to join the party that we invaded the patch) but also for wildlife. Robin was delighted he got an opportunity to impress us with his bee identifications. Though I think he regretted telling us there is such a thing as a Cuckoo Bee because he had to explain no, it does not build its hive in clocks, nor does it buzz on the hour, and it can't count. It just steals other bees homes. I forget which type of queen bee landed wearily on someone's plate, but Anne instantly recognised it was in need of some first aid and disappeared into the kitchen for a spoonful of honey, shouting:- "This is why you might find a few teaspoons in the flower beds, folks, it's amazing how bees revive after being fed a bit of honey." However, this particular invader of our BBQ got more than she was expecting. Anne had kindly (?) warmed the spoon up to make the honey less sticky. Suddenly her Majesty found a hot teaspoon stuck up her rear end because she turned round at the wrong moment, and flew off indignantly.

People turned up in dribs and drabs and the arrival of Kay and co. livened up an already very hearty party. Sandy and Euan were delighted to find two bigger boys to roll in the grass with. Connor and Sebastian spent most of the afternoon swinging the little tots round and flying them in the air and being used as climbing frames. Euan just followed Sebastian round with his arms in the air waiting to be lifted up. At one point our bass was lying in the grass with Euan cuddled into his neck and Sandy curled up on his stomach begging for more "Tummy-Highs" (where a person is balanced in the air on someone's feet). And even adults can "fly" like this. I know because I had a go... and wow! it was amazing, it felt like I didn't weigh anything at all, though I'm not sure if Sebastian felt the same way...

A pause in grass play whilst we all went to admire Dick's magnificent tools...!! He has acquired some new engineering stuff including a model traction engine which, once finished, will be able to pull a carriage load of us round the garden at the next BBQ! I suggested it would suffice Edinburgh council until the trams are finished, but Dick said it's only capable of two speeds - slow and a bit faster. Well, it would still be faster than waiting for a tram at this stage!
Some delicious dessert wine came out when the children had gone home. And the remaining few of us went when the midges came out.

It was a lovely day. Heaven just to chill out and pretend you don't have a house to clean, shopping to do, clothes to wash and iron....

Big thank you to our hosts, missed those of you who weren't able to come along, and looking forward to the next parteee.


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