Sunday 17 August 2008

Great night at St Giles

Well looky here. You wait ages for a blog post and then three come along in one week- like the number 35 bus which we waited forty minutes for yesterday until we got so cross that we went for the ever-dependable number 22. Just thought I would sum up our evening at St Giles. What a good concert! Thanks to all who came along to support us. We really had a great time and I must say I thought we sounded pretty tight- the 2nd sops managed the 'ahs' in 'Envoi', A-L hit that top C so well that it resounded round the walls for about half an hour (I could have gone for a cuppa tea and a piece of maltloaf and still have been able to hear the note rattling in the rafters upon my return- did you notice the alliterative merits of that sentence? Genius!) , Robin very ably took a line on his own and the tenors sounded more than lovely in my favourite bit of Kala Kala. We even smiled and looked about.

The general professionalism of the performance has to be down to Ol who grinned his way through the conducting and even made me smile at the beginning of 'When I Fall in Love'! No bagpipes outside the door this year but we did have a drumming band which bashed about a bit. Muchos thanks to all at St Giles who made our concert so enjoyable- we'll look forward to coming back soon! Thanks also to Anne who played the piano and as usual made sure that we were all in the right place at the right time and to Claire who played the violin so beautifully for Hebrew Love Songs. Now we have escaped the acapella-ness of Rudsambee perhaps new exciting instrumental doors will open...electric guitar, euphonium, xylophone...Oooo balalaika, ukulele, didjibodhrán (yes, you heard right, this is a real instrument) or for one of our most loyal supporters Jake, a Theremin (yep, Jake we were listening to the radio show tonight!) (Chris says: Be careful what you wish for!).

Anyways as a couple of final bits of concert trivia- this was Rach's last concert with bump (we are looking forward to a new member of the choir arriving in a couple of weeks), when we warmed up downstairs we apparently sounded like seals (according to Robin), A-L's great hubby Tim had to come to the rescue with her shirt that she had left at home, only an hour before the performance we were without a tambourine and Christopher had to go to Blackwells' percussion section every bloody shop in town (Chris says: apparently music shops alone stil hold the Sabbath as a day of rest) and finally I have decided that my wooly scarf is just too much for a summer concert and will invest in a more appropriate red accessory... perhaps one of those groovy hats with a fan in the peak or a swimsuit... blimey that would cause a stir and I'm not sure that Edinburgh is quite ready for that even at anything-goes festival time.

Anyways, a Yes DVD beckons on my TV courtesy of hubbie and I'm going to settle down with a cuppa. Thanks again for support folks. It would have been pretty dull without an audience.
Peace... go play that didjibodhrán and explore your sound space.

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