Tuesday 12 August 2008

"Your say potato and I say pot-a-to" etc

Well good morning to all. Hope everyone is enjoying Olympic fever and seriously contemplating whether to take up kayaking or synchronised diving. Sorry for delay in post but I have been up to my eyeballs in boxes, dust and stuff I never knew I had (we have been moving house!)

We had a great rehearsal on Wednesday. I thought we sounded rather good (there is not a hint of surprise in that comment btw). After last week's attempt to transcribe Peter's Gaelic pronunciation CD Ollie made the excellent decision to print out a sheet with it all on already. Wise choice bro! So we bashed our way through our new Gaelic song at breakneck speed stopping only when the words could not be squeezed into the rhythms.

After this we had the joy of Tormis. Our key Estonian-based music question for this week...what do you call a collection of Tormis pieces...Tormii, Tormis', Tormisupials (this last one is my favourite- wacky Eastern European song meets kangaroo, I bet you weren't expecting that combo!). Whatever, these pieces are really coming on well.

'O Morganstern' is our piece in two keys and we are singing it at St Giles on Sunday. Although it is sounding rather beautiful in a 'difficult-to-listen-to' sort of a way, we are still making pained faces as we sing it. Claire 2 (always sensitive to the way our performance looks) drew our attention to the frankly ridiculous faces we were all pulling. I guess that the face in question is a cross between sucking a lemon, someone standing on your toe and trying to concentrate extra hard on a actor who isn't projecting his voice (goodness, imagine that sort of a visage- I wanted to think of a synonym for face as I feel that I have used that word enough, however visage was all I could think of so excuse the pretension). Hopefully we will look calm, serene and angelic when we perform this on Sunday. On second thoughts...

Anyways, that's all for know. Can I remind all Rudsambee followers that we are doing our 'festival gig' on Sunday night at St Giles so please come along if you are free. It should be a great show.
ttfn (Ooo an abbreviation I haven't used in a long while)

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