Thursday 7 January 2010

Fresh start

And welcome to the 2010 season of Relative Pitch.

In spite of the snowy conditions, which left us short of a few members, we managed to have our traditional January meeting to discuss the year ahead. Since most had travelled by bus there was a touch more mulled wine flowing that usual, which helped to keep spirits up.

News for blogfans:

- Claire2 has agreed to take the helm at the blog for the time being, adamant that she could never compete with our lost blogstress.
- John and Susan will be abandoning us to visit China for a month or so in the spring; this means that, with Peter and Mirren to hand, a full SATB set of Rudsamblets will be together - so expect impromptu drinking songs and gaelic galore!
-We can't have our (now traditional) concert in the National Portrait Gallery this year as it is closed for massive refurbishment; instead we will be in the Nation Gallery on the Mound. Watch this space for more details as we approach the Spring concert season. However, in what seems a fair swap, although we have lost one venue we are now able to return to Rosslyn Chapel at Christmas!
-It's been almost three years so it must be time to visit the Swallow Theatre at Whithorn. But what's that you say? There's a book festival in the area? Well hang the Swallow, let's got a bigger venue! (we're not actually hanging the swallow, this has been suggested by Whitacre fanatic David Sumner who organises our trips down there. Did someone mention Cloudburst...)
-Apparently there have been occasional comments on out ticket prices, to the effect that they could be cheaper. Any blogfans fancy joining in the debate?
-Since we had to cancel our Cranshaws gig due to foul weather, which they are apparently still suffering, we're probably going to visit in the Spring, perhaps to celebrate the end of lambing.
-Douglas (Tenor) and Jean (groupie/most useful non-choirmember) are to wed in May and we are to sing for our supper the occasion! This will be exciting...
-Maestro boy has issued a call to the Rudsamblets requesting any old repertoire which we could reboot/rejazz/reinvent. So expect much muttering as people remember why they were glad of the new stuff ;)
-A few weeks ago Rudsambee received a request to appear on Eggheads, a tv quiz show. Although we couldn't muster enough people to get through to Glasgow at short notice, quite a few were enthusiastic about the prospect. So if you turn on The Weakest Link and find Robinson replaced by Grindley (a far more terrifying prospect, all agreed), or spot John on the experts panel in Countdown... well, you have been warned.

The loss of our Diva does have some positive fallout. Tiny Rachael, who joine as an Alto because that's wht there was a vacancy for, has been gently asking to be promoted er, demoted moved to the Sporano section as she feels like an imposter. And so shall it be! This means we'll have a space in the Altos and we're hoping to get the lovely Kay 2 (er, 3?) back because everyone liked her. Woo-hoo! There is even talk of new men, but we know better than to get our hopes up.

That's about all the blogworthy news, mundane though it may be. Next week we'll hopefully have our new blogmummy to entertain you.


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