Saturday 23 January 2010

I’m late, I’m late…

Oh dear me, somewhat tardy this week I’m afraid. And very tired of eye having been staring at the computer screen for the last 2 days trying to conjure up a party venue that answers to my requirements. You’d think in a city like Edinburgh this would be easy, but think again. Nothing of the sort, let me assure you. I need wheelchair access (what??? apparently it’s unnecessary for function rooms), reasonable cost (a more unreasonable request than wheelchair access, it seems) and some atmosphere (now I’m crying for the moon). So, I’m getting very dispirited and pretty damn sulky, too. HELP!

That’s me out of the way – as this is not supposed to be about me, I apologise for the above and will try to find something interesting to say about Wednesday.
Mostly I’ve forgotten all about it.

Luke came back so it would appear we have a new bass – hoorah! Welcome Luke, may you enjoy your time with us and may it be long.

All of a sudden the room felt very full again in spite of missing persons, to whit Elaine and Kay 1(2). Why this should be, I don’t know. Maybe we’ve all gained a little weight over the holiday period and are therefore taking up more space.
We spent a long time with the French flea – very odd olde worlde francais (can’t do the wiggle so put it in for yourselves) to learn, which completely confounds those of us who spent years with fierce French teachers having a reasonable-ish accent forced upon us. The trick is to forget it’s meant to be French at all, I think. Of course, as with all the French songs we seem to do, it is supposed to go along at a rattling rate and Ollie gives very little quarter. He’s a task-master and a half at times. It’s exhausting.

Our new Eric Whitacre is as yummy as the man himself – only the words are a little peculiar in places. Picture a girl and a boy sucking LIMES on a beach. Why would they do such a thing? Or are limes different where poet Octavio Paz comes from? But the music is gorgeous, naturellement, and already beginning to sound quite reasonable. I have to admit to guessing in places but I’ll get it right eventually.
We have a couple of Komitas pieces on the go which are spine-tinglingly delicious. Lovely stuff. In Cheenar Es Helen and Anna-Lauren get to show off their beautiful voices while the rest of us sing ‘nar-nar’ and ‘nigh-nigh’ underneath which you might think is a little boring but sometimes it’s rather splendid to be a backing vocalist…..

I left early - wasn’t around for coffee and biscuits so have no snippets of interesting conversation to pass on. Note to self – must do better. I’d make a useless spy.

Next week will be my last blog until the end of February as I’m off to Australia on the 29th and will be away 3 weeks. I’m sure you’ll miss me as I feel I must have established myself as an exceptional bloggeteer by now... but I’m sure someone else will endeavour to take my place (hah! as if such a thing were possible) and keep you up-to-date with Rudsambeeish activities.

OK, bets on my being sacked on my return. Any takers?


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