Riotous or not, it was still a jolly jape; Anne wore what may be the shiniest skirt in the world (it may have been part of a dress, it was difficult to be sure because all you could look at was THE SKIRT), Rachel brought the bab and Angus brought a lady friend, much to Anne's excitement apparently. Babybel was passed around like a parcel - mercifully without the unwrapping.

After the small feast we
This was followed by the traditional Jenny-giving-thankyou-gifts section of the evening, the high point of which was Helen's reaction to getting something a little extra for all of her work on the CD, and then the now inevitable cello-and-piano Jazzathon, courtesy of Anne and Sebastian. Those amongst us of a more delicate constitution retreated at this point to the front room for quiet chat and a gentle appreciation of how draught-free it was.
Apparently we've been selling POTS of CDs (pots here is a technical term used for counting sales of something which you are excited to sell) and are already close to covering the cost of making it. Reviews coming in from friends and relative are positively gushing, including Sheena - which I think made the old-timers feel rather good.
And so we lok forward to Longformacus on Saturday and Black Medicine on Sunday. If you feel the need to see us before the spring then do come along to one of these - you could even buy a CD! In the meantime, here are some photos of the Christmas nonsense so far.
1 comment:
Well Christopher, thanks for that! What larks and all that. One day when the four of us are touring in an ABBA tribute band (just a thought guys) we will look back on this video with squirming embarrassment :-)
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